Posts Tagged ‘The Attachment Size exceeds the allowable limit’

Hi, as we frequently use Database mail for SQL Server’s email sending, commonly we use to send an email for JOB status, Maintenance task info, operator alerts… etc.  sometime we send reports like Database disk usages, Server Dashboard, Memory Consumptions .. etc as a PDF or Excel attachments. By default, attachment size is 1000000 bytes. If attachments size is more than this, an error ‘The Attachment Size exceeds the allowable limit’ will occurred. Below is the step by step solution for this using SSMS.

  1. Open the SSMS and connect to SQL server Instance, then go to Management -> Right Click on Database mail -> choose Configure Database Mail











2) Select View or change system parameters radio button from the popup menu then next


















3) Change the Maximum File Size (Bytes) values from 1000000 to as per your requirement, then next and finish.